January 16, 2011
Dear Chris,
It’s hard not to be able to talk with you. To hear your voice, to know how you are. I am constantly thinking about you and imagining what daily life is like. I cannot help but to ask a million questions: do they let you outside to breathe the fresh air? Are you able to wash each day? Have you made some friends? You have been in for over week as I write this and I am eager to hear from you.
Thankfully, I have gotten some much anticipated news about you. Somehow Fr. Bob Cushing found out about our blog and he graciously called me the day of his visit. Chris, it was such a fantastic surprise to get that call that it startled me awake: God is responding with velocity to our prayer community, sending to Spirit to guide us, comfort us, and communicate what we need to know.
Fr. Bob and I spoke for about 20 minutes. He fed me details as he drove homebound to Cordele. He said you were in high spirits, very prayerful, and focused on remaining in solidarity not just with SOAW but also with the Witness Against Torture movement to close Guantanamo. He said your main concern was to be productive and that you were even leading a Bible Study! I love this and can see it now: you circled up with your dorm mates each afternoon breaking open the Word. Fr. Bob says your companions are teaching you a thing or two, and that you are soaking it up. I thank God for granting us our prayers for you, that you are safe and transitioning smoothly, and that God keeps you very close to Him.
As for me, lots is happening. My prayer has led me to accept the opportunity to be a presenter at this year’s Novena of Grace. I am thrilled, and scared, and moved, and excited! There will be three of us: Fr. Rick Ganz, Mike Buck (a former Jesuit and dedicated lay leader) and me. It will take place March 3 -11 at St. Ignatius Parish. We will each speak 3 times over the 9 days, giving our reflections twice per day at 8am and 7pm Masses. Our theme is From Misfortune to Hope: a Pilgrimage to the Heart of our God. Our hope as a planning committee is that those who are losing faith, and questioning where God is in these dark times of Church and economic hardship, will have an experience of God’s love and kindness and commitment that ignites their hope once again in God’s promise of redemption, resurrection, freedom, peace. I am beside myself with many emotions and I can feel this opportunity is some sort of breakthrough in my search for God’s purpose for me. As a young 30-something woman, I will preach in a beloved Catholic Church. There is nothing I could find that is more exciting than this.
And God is already teaching me through the preparation. To help myself get more comfortable from the pulpit, I have begun to lector as much as possible during the weekend Masses. It has indeed eased my nerves but what I am really discovering is that I truly have a talent for proclaiming God’s Word. It’s exhilarating and as the nerves fade I find that I LOVE to do it, that it moves people, and that it deepens my relationship with God. So, I feel confirmation again that my pilgrimage is leading me somewhere.
As for your community of prayer, they are amazing. There are now 86 people in the community! I have included a list of their names for you on the next page. They have sent me notes of concern, photos to post on the blog, and they are writing to you and praying for you. I also had the pleasure of speaking with your parents about Fr. Bob’s visit. We are all deepening our bonds with each other through your journey, and as Fr. Bob says we are changed by this experience. We love you.
I miss you and pray for you often. The Spirit prompted me to urge you to pray to St. Paul. He has been where you are and his spirit will both guide you and intercede for you. The feast of his conversion is January 25th.
Stay close with our loving God. And please write me when you have the chance.
In God’s Holy Spirit, my friend,
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