Chris wrote me this very touching heartfelt letter 3 days before his sentencing. I have to admit, I got teary reading it.
Dear Anne
* The Story of our relationship*
On your birthday we sipped coffee that was on the house, courtesy of your relationship with the barista. I just finished a cup of coffee on board the S80 aircraft. Our shared genetic code withdrew pleasure in heightened blood flow to the brain. In relation by way of this shared genome to all homosapiens we make story from our exploits just as cave dwelling artists did while hyped on an early form of mescaline. The rock they drew hunting scenes on had many times over been made and remade over the six billion years of its existence. Having shared much of the journey since the big bang, it is simple to see how our coffee grows from the same rock. The familiar way of speaking is required to know what pleasant joy we share with our God. Nothing could be so simple as coexisting with our God, for the rock has shown that separation happens in the unconditional acceptance of God's eyes. Jesus loved the rock unconditionally. As God's eyes incarnate, Jesus forgave not just Peter but all of humanity, teaching about the abundant affection of God, especially unto those of us forgetful of this love ordered in community. In storytelling of our love for God we act like Jesus relating as creators of a world where it is easier to love. The purpose of our relationship will unfold unconditionally. Our story began long before we were aware...
*My reply to what you shared*
From the depths of your prayer came the impelling vision of me in need of purpose as I serve my duty to this American United States. In response, you foresaw us in correspondence and by way of a blog, in community. Tasks you enumerated and expressed willingness to administer, among these the transcription of my letters, an ongoing guided reflection in letters to me, as well as collection of necessary financial support such as to purchase books and shipping/postage. My summary could not strain out the essence of freedom with which you offer these acts of service to God's Greater Glory. Please note the care with which I choose my words, for I tremble in fear before your divine sight. Help me to understand with greater clarity what in God's name may be our purpose. Forgive my faults too. I cannot comprehend the fullness of your mysterious relationship with Jesus. If the scales now have peeled from my eyes, what I behold is a glimpse at your sucsipe before God and the whole heavenly court. You would willingly offer your heart in its magnanimous capacity as a devotion, in all sincerity.
Anne, I answer with all my love: Thank you,
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