Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Brightest moment of the year

12 March 2011

Dear Anne,

"Rend not your garments, and return to the LORD, your God. for gracious and merciful is he, slow to anger, rich in kindness, and relenting in punishment." Joel 2:13

Among feelings the least Homeric of them all could be contentment for only in his Penelope's arms can Odyssey's journey conclude, and there, upon contented, renewed feast of lovemaking can he rest in the knowledge of his beloved. Far be it from me to judge Western literature; I know how I clung to my contentment last night, after a feast of jokemaking and sharing of stories with Cole. In the quiet hovering afterward I lay. All the ribald humor and guffawing aside, I rested in the deeper knowledge that we are one. He had felt shy, describing the raid and the aftermath. What began as my reading aloud the extensive article "No Bars: The High Tech Prison is Here" in The Atlantic (Sept 2010) led to his own account of pre-trial monitoring that lasted a year and a half. During the week, Cole had the choice how he used eight spare hours, allotting them in a lump for a weekend hike or mountain biking day. Then I recounted, for the first person since entering the criminal justice system, details of the protest at the School of Americas. I lay afterwards remembering.

Oh, Anne, what I most enjoyed this year was to participate with the Puppetista crew in the making of puppets, together, communal meal sharing. As we went, creating the story that would be told Saturday and Sunday through the menagerie of color and choreography. That no brother or sister of ours in Mexico, Honduras, or Colombia, though their human rights may yet be nullified by US militarization, our mother shall consume -- and here I think of the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man -- she will consume us. We can be content in the knowledge of this. Note: I said not that we could be complacent but at ease in the will of God's judgment, Her spirit of wisdom.


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