Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Changing Celly

As you read in a former post, Chris got a new roommate. It seemed that somehow the switch was orchestrated by Cole, Chris' former roommate who he apparently quite bonded with. His new celly is Matt, and as I have heard from his parents, they are getting along quite well too. I think Chris is feeling a bit emotional in this post, which is why I think he wanders the way he does -- undergoing the emotional change of roomie. Just a guess on my part.

11 March 2011

Dear Anne,

"When Herod realized that he had been deceived by the Magi, he became furious. He ordered the massacre of all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had ascertained from the Magi." Mt 2:16

[My celly snoring in the background] I should like to sleep in peace tonight and when my new celly snores then if I hear it I shall say to myself, "Ah, another prophet cries out in the wilderness." I shouldn't rest, or how can I? By definition, sleep shall evacuate my awareness of my body or my surroundings. what then, in such a mysterious state of unknowing, yet remembering, what then shall the LORD say? Anne, I would let you count the hairs on my head. Yet I seem to push against a wall, an unmovable monolith that is my only possibility. I dare not suggest less than Descartes, that I think therefore I am, but how am I impacting the downward oppressive wall? My insight rewarded itself in clearer knowledge of my frail powers and my stupid pride. I felt and still feel such affection for Cole, and was touched when he visited this afternoon and had me back over to hear more jokes. It seemed to me unnecessary, since I can cross his path on any given lap or share a meal, and yet it sealed our transition to friendship, a relationship of choice rather than of circumstance. By now, as a result of your generous reading, some of the new characters in this drama have made your acquaintance. And I know, your prayers. I am told that a wise man knows when to shut up. I boast in my ignorance however and feign no idea what half it is I have scribed. One thing I do know, my tender companion: without you I am a broken record.


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