Gn 20:17 Then Abraham prayed to God; and God healed Abimilech, and also healed his wife and female slaves so that they bore children.
13 June 2011
Dear Anne,
“Then Jesus said to the disciples, ‘There was a rich man who had a manager, and charges were brought to him that this man was squandering his property.” Lk 165:1
Because I had only one hundred and five cents it finally occurred to me that I should sell my wares. So I wrote up a brochure for Spicer’s store of tricks and skills and went selling door to door on the forth and third floors. One customer at first said, “But there’s a lot of stores man” and then excusing himself from the phone “Hold on baby, man’s selling skills.” He looked at my list that says Do you need computer skills? and was hooked. Another customer said “Oh, you hussling, I see.” For a few minutes to fill out an online application he accepted a price of $4.00. At $10.00 for a half hour a customer wants a Spanish lesson. For twentyfive cents a customer got a
quick lecture on the organization of creation in Genesis chapter one. For two helping of spiritual conversation, r fifty five cents, a customer asked me first to interpret Luke chapter 16, the parable of the cunning manager, and then whether ethically one who could do good with the money is justified faking a sickness to a doctor in order for a medical benefit. All listened with interest as I delivered my sales pitch. One recommended a special case of need, a guy locked up for ten years who types with his index fingers groping for the letters—I knew—I had helped him in the lab computer lab actually. I showed him how to use the cursor on the mouse to highlight a group of words, how to use the cursor keys and showed him about the backspace key, how to save and print—his resume. And one signed up for a course on the Book of Genesis tomorrow at 10 AM. Tonight I study special paper folding problems for a man studying to be a carpenter. Oh, and I was hired to type up a guy’s book For $0.17 per page, I’ll profit from exposure to this man’s intimate portrait.
Anne, tonight’s learning reminded me that many people are accustomed to trade and barter for goods and services. It was a refresher of exchange theory of living or exchange economics. You and I relate out of our thirst for God, a desire that’s so intense for God, with gratitude, that we give ourselves freely. Yet I wonder if we might recognize the custom of some of our friends who may value what we do. Whether it’s because they see us as gifted in a radical way or just as inspiration, maybe they would like to be offered an opportunity to show their thanksgiving in a monetary measure.
Now thanks be to God I have no debts and no ambitions. Wrong! I feel so indebted to you, Anne, and if others could help me show you my gratitude I would greatly appreciate it. And I’m indebted to my parents, the St. Joseph’s of Seattle community, so many friends, so many new friends, members of the greater SOA Watch community in particular Judith Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Phares, Nico DeGama, Fr. Roy Bourgeois, los campesinos of Arcatao, la parroquia San Bartolome and my home community the White Rose Catholic Worker. Most of all there’s the legions of behind the scenes, both living and dead, these prayer warriors who have aided my soul. You Jesuits, past teachers and companions. Oh God, if my act could not begin to express my gratitude and my love, so much more infinite is your love! Incomprehensible, most merciful and compassionate God, I thank you. And I continue seeking to serve you inspiring a faith that crosses the line.
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